
1. Measure of Dispersion
series / public art

2. Measure of Dispersion
series / sculptures

3. Measure of Dispersion
series / wall sculptures

4. Ascension
series / legos

5. Martyrdom
series / legos
6. Displaced
series / sculpture

7. Intersected
series / sculpture

8. Contortionist
series / sculpture

9. Harlem Turrell
series / photography

10. Oedipus Eyes
series / photography

12. Collision Collusion
video, painting

13. Icarus

14. Perceptible
series / sculpture

Gustavo Prado


Perceptible 7
_ Metal, Fabric, Motion Sensors, Light Bulbs, Paper
Variable Dimensions
Rio de Janeiro, July 2004

This site-specific installation creates an environment that responds and unfolds according to the spectator’s position in space. And it’s the first in the Perceptible series to use sensors connected to the lamps in order to make the work be altered not by someone’s action and manipulation of an element of the work, like in Perceptible 1, but just by there mere presence. The use of the sensors and the way they are positioned are both strategies to frame the spectator’s point of view, to create a sense of perspective, of a perception that is only possible from a certain point in space, and for some time, before it changes again; since the sensor only remain active for a short period of time.

In that way we can go back to Merleau-Ponty’s formulations about phenomena and what are the problems involved in its apprehension, and illustrate it with the question posed by him in the book “Phénomenologie de la perception”: “How could I gain experience of the world, as I would of an individual actuating his own existence, since none of the views or perceptions I have of it can exhaust it and the horizons remain forever open?” That was the purpose and aim of this work to create the experience of and horizon that is forever open. Perceptible 7 was shown at Parque Lage’s School of Visual Arts in July of 2004.

Copyright © Gustavo Prado Studio