
1. Measure of Dispersion
series / public art

2. Measure of Dispersion
series / sculptures

3. Measure of Dispersion
series / wall sculptures

4. Ascension
series / legos

5. Martyrdom
series / legos
6. Displaced
series / sculpture

7. Intersected
series / sculpture

8. Contortionist
series / sculpture

9. Harlem Turrell
series / photography

10. Oedipus Eyes
series / photography

12. Collision Collusion
video, painting

13. Icarus

14. Perceptible
series / sculpture

Gustavo Prado

15. Perceptible (series) sculpture / Perceptible Simulacrum

Perceptible Simulacrum
_ Wood, Fabric, 4 Tv Monitors
Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 10'
Rio de Janeiro, August 2006

This installation consisted of a few different elements in comparison to the rest of the series. It was the first to use a cylinder shape, and it was the first to use TV monitors instead of lamps as a light source. It also didn’t have a previous programmed combination of colors, what it did instead was to appropriate four of the most watched channels as an arbitrary source of light color, to filter the images contained in it, and to accumulate the light projection in order to reveal it incessantly to the viewer.

Perceptible Simulacrum was shown at Prêmio Projéteis exhibition in Funarte, in 2006, after Gustavo Prado was presented with a national award for the arts, by the same institution, which is connected directly to the Brazilian Ministry of Culture.

Copyright © Gustavo Prado Studio